CobraHeads for Fossil Hunting!

CobraHeads for Fossil Hunting!

Here's something a little bit different for the blog! Last month, one of our eagle-eyed CobraHead fans forwarded us a news article about a significant fossil find in Maryland. Entomologist and paleontology department volunteer at Calvert Marine Museum Emily Bzdyk was...

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August Garden

August Garden

This garden is growing too much food! We’re giving it away and eating and freezing all we can. We’ll make some changes next year – a little smaller and a lot more planning. It’s been a great garden year, however, in spite of some really uncooperative weather. To say...

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Bruschetta Pasta Salad

Bruschetta Pasta Salad

One of my favorite ways to serve and EAT fresh tomatoes is in a pasta salad with lots of fresh basil and garlic. The tomatoes can be a mix of big juicy ones or a variety of cherry ones, all colors welcome. To make it more substantial you could add cooked dry beans,...

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July Garden

July Garden

July is when food output kicks into high gear.  Harvesting is a daily job, with both Judy and me bringing in the bounty. I talked last month about trying out a 2 leader system for the tomatoes. It’s working great. Here are some Brandywines just waiting to turn red. ...

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June Garden

June Garden

June is almost over and it’s going out very uncomfortably as we are experiencing the Canadian smoke that has made a lot of the upper U.S. extremely dangerous and unpleasant   Air quality is awful. It’s suggested we do not even go outside.  We’re still in a drought,...

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Rosemary Roasted Potatoes and Cauliflower

Rosemary Roasted Potatoes and Cauliflower

We are still using up the last of our 2022 potato harvest.  While we love roasted potatoes sometimes you want a little lighter dish, i.e., less carbs!  Bring on the cauliflower!  By mixing the potatoes with cauliflower you still get that potato taste with a few light...

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May Garden

May Garden

May was very warm and very dry here in south central Wisconsin. I’m doing a lot of hand watering, trying to water just the plants so as not to encourage weed growth in open areas which overhead sprinkling would certainly do. A good thing about the open bed system I...

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April Garden

April Garden

April brings on the hard work period of the gardening season. I keep looking for ways to make it easier. This old guy doesn’t quickly recover from hard work like I used to. Here are a few pictures of some of the things going on in the garden. The hoop tunnel helps a...

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Indoor Seed Starts

Indoor Seed Starts

I started peppers and onions in late February and now it's time to move them out from under the grow lights and into the sunroom.  I need the grow lights for tomatoes, eggplant, cabbages, and other stuff. I'll re-pot the peppers into individual cups.  They'll go into...

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Visit from a Senator

Visit from a Senator

Wow, we had a pretty exciting visit from U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin earlier this month! Did you know that when consumers buy items online, websites are not required to display the country of origin for the product being sold because our labeling laws were written...

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Pickled Red Onions

Pickled Red Onions

Need a splash of red on your holiday table? Or a quick hostess gift? If you like onions give the following super easy recipe a try. Recipe: 1 large onion, thinly sliced, preferably red (if you have a mandoline, go for it) Brine: 1/2 cup cider vinegar 1 cup water 1 T....

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The December Garden

The December Garden

Winter in Wisconsin can sometimes be nice, but this December has started out as a lesson in dismal.   The picture above looking out to the garden area from the house was taken a week ago.  It was our first significant snow.  We received about four inches of really wet...

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