Judy and I just got back from three weeks in Texas. I was behind in the garden before we left and three weeks away have put me quite a bit further back. I missed a lot of garden clean up and prep for next season.

One fall chore that I never try to miss is getting a bed of garlic planted. When I’m on top of things, garlic goes into the ground the last week of October, but I’ve planted it in late December and still had a fine crop.

So my first task upon our return was to shape up a bed and plant about 110 cloves. It was truly in the nick of time as the night brought freezing rain and snow and nighttime temps are now steady in the low 20’s. But with some help from Andy, we got everything done in an afternoon.

Here are some links to how I plant garlic. The method is extremely reliable. And it produces nearly a 100% yield of very strong and healthy bulbs:

black friday garlic again

black friday garlic

garlic planting in open raised beds

garlic planting in fall

Our garlic bed yields enough garlic for a year for our two person household and Judy uses a lot of garlic. We can’t get enough of this wonderful stuff!

I’ve still got lots of garden clean up and bed prep, but if we don’t see a significant warming, the chores may have to wait until spring. Happy Thanksgiving to all and very happy gardening.

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