Shiitake Mushroom Duxelles

We have been growing our own shiitake mushrooms at the edge of our woods for about the last ten years.  While it’s fun to walk outside and harvest them, you do have to pay attention to the weather or you can miss some good eating. The shiitakes fruit best when temperatures are between the fifties to the seventies.  They don’t do much in really hot weather.  But that doesn’t mean they can’t sneak up on you.  If you get a day or two of rain...

Japanese Beetles

Japanese beetles, along with a lot of other other natural disasters, are making the garden a little less fun this year.  The beetles have only been in Wisconsin for about a dozen years, and they are loving it here.  Their populations seemed to diminish for a few years, but this is the worst infestation I’ve had. They’ve not bothered the sweet corn before, but this year they are destroying some silks. Most years I can keep up with them by just collecting them...

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