Potato Rösti Stuffed with Fontina Cheese, Onions and Mushrooms

Potato Rösti was on the dinner table last night. We had this dish for the first time almost 30 years ago right after we moved to Wisconsin. Noel’s Swiss boss took us to the New Glarus Hotel Restaurant in the village of New Glarus, WI – Wisconsin’s Little Switzerland. There are many versions of rösti but this one is my adaptation of a recipe given to us by our dear friends, Michael and Linda. Recipe: 2 lbs. potatoes (I used Colorado Rose potatoes from the garden) 1...

Garlicky Rose Finn Potatoes

We love garlic. Noel plants over 100 cloves each year so we have lots of garlic to use all year. I don’t think a day goes by that we don’t eat some form of garlic and/or onions. I got the idea for this recipe from making a vinaigrette, which starts with a smashed clove of garlic mixed with salt. I love the taste of raw garlic. Garlic gets sweeter when it’s cooked and if you’re not careful when sautéing, it can burn easily and get bitter. The Rose Finn fingerling...

Volunteer Pea Shoots

I made this pea shoot salad last night which included all garden pickings – pea shoots plus baby carrots, baby beets, cilantro, red onion and several varieties of cherry tomatoes.  The first time I knowingly ate pea shoots was this past summer. We were on a road trip to the GWA (Garden Writers Association) conference and stopped for lunch in South Bend, IN. We found a great little Chinese restaurant (J.W. Chens) just off the freeway right next to Notre Dame...

Raspberries Galore

It’s raspberry heaven around here. Our ever bearing raspberries have stepped up to the plate, so to speak. They have been enjoying the fantastically wonderful fall weather almost as much as we have.  Our warm days here in Wisconsin are quickly coming to a close but until the first frost there will be more raspberries to pick! We have been appreciating raspberry banana fruit smoothies with a taste of aronia berries and cocoa as our afternoon pick me up. We...

Tomatillos – Growing and Cooking

This has been a good year for tomatillos (Physalis ixocarpa). Our three plants have produced way more than we need for our few batches of salsa. Tomatillos are also not that easy to give away because a lot of people don’t know what they are, much less what to do with them. They grow like a tomato but the fruit has a loose, papery husk called a calyx that forms first.  The fruit swells inside the husk and is ready to harvest about the time it breaks through the...

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