Frying Rose Finn Potatoes

Frying Rose Finn Potatoes

We love garlic. Noel plants over 100 cloves each year so we have lots of garlic to use all year. I don’t think a day goes by that we don’t eat some form of garlic and/or onions.

I got the idea for this recipe from making a vinaigrette, which starts with a smashed clove of garlic mixed with salt. I love the taste of raw garlic. Garlic gets sweeter when it’s cooked and if you’re not careful when sautéing, it can burn easily and get bitter.

The Rose Finn fingerling potatoes are narrow in diameter, usually around 1”, but they can be smaller or larger. This recipe works well when serving 2-3 people. Just scrub up a few potatoes and cut into ¼” slices to make 2-3 cups, or enough for a single layer to fit in your 10” or 12” frying pan. Preheat your pan to medium heat and pour in a layer of olive oil. Add the potatoes and fry for 10-15 minutes, turning once or twice, until browned and cooked through.

While the potatoes are frying, squeeze 1-2 cloves of garlic into a large mixing bowl and mix with ¼ teaspoon of salt. When potatoes are crispy, drain and toss into bowl with the prepared garlic paste. Mix thoroughly and EAT! If cooking for more than 2 or 3 people just roast your potatoes in a hot (425 degree oven) for 25-35 minutes and toss with a larger amount of garlic paste. Great for breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Rose Finn Fingerling Potatoes

Rose Finn Fingerling Potatoes

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