Caramelized Squash
Caramelized Squash

It’s definitely the year of yellow summer squash and zucchini, for us anyway.  We’ve been pretty good about keeping them picked when smaller but they do get away from us.  No baseball bats, yet!  The yellow squash don’t seem to grow quite as fast as the zucchini but at this time of year it’s eat it or process it and sometimes you just can’t keep up.

The first time I made the caramelized squash I had 4 smaller (6-8 oz each) yellow squash and it took about 20 minutes to cook to perfection.  This time they were bigger, more like 12 oz give or take and it took about 30 minutes.  We thought it was worth the time spent especially if you’re in the kitchen anyway.

Raw Squash
Raw Squash


2 T. butter (or part olive oil)

2 cloves sliced garlic

3-4 yellow summer squash, 1/4″ slices

salt and pepper to taste

Preheat cast iron frying pan to medium low.  Add the butter and garlic while it’s preheating.  Add the squash and cover the pan.  Turn the squash about every five minutes until golden.  As I said the smaller squash was caramelized in about 20 minutes covered the whole time.  The larger squash had more water in it and took longer.  I left it covered for about 20 minutes until the juices were rendered then left it uncovered so the moisture could escape and caramelizing could begin.

Both versions were very good but the smaller squash with all butter were much tastier.  Enjoy!

Straightneck Summer Squash
Straightneck Summer Squash

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