Want Monarchs? Grow Milkweed.

Want Monarchs? Grow Milkweed.

Monarchs love milkweed.  If you grow it, and you’re in the range of their travels, you may get them to lay eggs and hatch caterpillars.   I’ve got milkweed in a few areas on the property, and I always let a couple plants survive in the garden growing area.  The monarchs almost always show up.  It’s going to be tough going for the monarchs if they are to survive, and it will require humans to change some bad habits. As gardeners, our efforts to...
Setting Up a Low Tunnel for Veggie Starts

Setting Up a Low Tunnel for Veggie Starts

I took advantage of some really warm April days to set up my low hoop tunnel.  Several years ago I stopped doing an additional potting off of my seedling starts and instead I’ve been placing the small starts directly in the soil of a bed covered with a low tunnel. I first had to clean off a leaf covered bed and loosen up the compacted soil with a broadfork. I then added 25 gallons of composted soil. Ready to Plant I had to work in the compost and shape up the bed....
The National Garden Lady Wellness Tour

The National Garden Lady Wellness Tour

CobraHead is pleased to partner with Shawna Coronado during her Garden Lady Wellness Tour! Shawna is moving across the country from Illinois to Arizona, and she’s decided to turn her road trip into a speaking tour with 30 stops along the way. Beginning on January 28 in Lisle, IL and ending March 2 in Superior, AZ, Shawna will travel south and then west, stopping at botanical gardens, arboretums, and garden centers. At each stop, she will give away prize...
Black Friday Garlic, Again

Black Friday Garlic, Again

I planted garlic yesterday, November 23rd (Black Friday).  Coincidently, I did this last year, when the Black Friday temperature was 66 degrees and quite pleasant with the soil warm and soft.  This year was a different story. The ground froze early, and like last year, I was left waiting for a warm spell.  That warming almost always happens in either late November or early December but this year it didn’t happen yet and the forecasts looked bleak.  I was faced...
Compost 2018

Compost 2018

I finished my compost pile yesterday. It snowed last night.  The pile is already warmer than its surroundings and it’s only two days old.  The internal temperature of the pile when I took this picture was 60oF, outside it was 29. I learned to build these structured piles from my son Geoff who years ago was a horticultural apprentice on a biodynamic farm.  Geoff taught me a lot of practices used by excellent growers who approached gardening using sustainable...

Hot Sauce

I made almost two pints of hot sauce using three different chili peppers:  A standard Cayenne, a pepper we just call 3″ Hot, from seeds from a plant my neighbor gave me years ago, and a couple handfuls of little Thai hot peppers. The Thai peppers are the plants that look like a little Christmas tree, loaded with tiny extremely hot peppers. Normally I wouldn’t use these little peppers, and I won’t again. They are just too small to be worth the trouble. But...

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