by Noel | Apr 12, 2009 | Gardening
I started my tomato seeds today. A little late, but I think I’ll be okay. My flats hold 28 five ounce Dixie cups almost perfectly. I usually start about 30 different tomatoes. So with one cup of tomatillo seeds pushing the cup count to 31, here is the result. My potting soil is a blend of half Jiffy® mix and half an organic potting soil called Sunshine® that I picked up at Paradigm Gardens, a relatively new store here in Madison that specializes primarily in...
by Anneliese | Mar 15, 2009 | Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day, Gardening
Finally got our first outside blooms today! Dad took this pic of a cluster of snowdrops that came up on the west side of the house. Comments (Comment Moderation is enabled. Your comment will not appear until approved.) [Add Comment] And they smell so sweet! # Posted By Layanee | 3/18/09 1:54 PM Oh how pretty! # Posted By linda | 3/20/09 9:49 AM
by Noel | Mar 14, 2009 | Environmental Issues, Gardening
I started pepper seeds yesterday. Here’s the list: Hot peppers: Orange Fogo – source – Renee’s Garden; Red Demon – source – Renee’s Garden; Unknown 1 1/2″ long short fat tapered hot, and Unknown 2 1/2″ long fat tapered hot – source – saved seed from plants given to me by my neighbor Sheryl Jarlsberg; Feherozon Paprika – source – Fedco; Anaheim – source – Fedco; Pasilla Bajio – source – Baker Creek; Bulgarian...
by Noel | Feb 11, 2009 | Gardening
I got most of my onions seeded into a flat tonight. Three types – Copra, a hybrid yellow storage onion that I’ve grown for years. It is extremely reliable and an excellent keeper. Redwing, a red storage hybrid. This is a new one for me. I had been growing a red onion called Mars, but Fedco Seeds dropped it, I think because the seed all comes from Seminis, a Monsanto owned company. Monsanto is on Fedco’s do not buy list, which is fine by me. Monsanto is...
by Anneliese | Feb 3, 2009 | Events, Gardening
I’m excited about the coming months for many reasons. We have a busy schedule exhibiting at garden shows and Green Festivals, and it’s always fun to travel and meet new people (and say hi to the folks you haven’t seen since last year). I’m excited for spring to arrive. Which it will. Eventually. I hope. I’m also excited to turn 29 this month. Okay, not really. But what I’m excited about today is that I had my Master Gardener...
by Anneliese | Jan 30, 2009 | Environmental Issues, Gardening
I’ve wanted a worm bin for a while, but it was never an urgent issue. It’s not as though we don’t have a compost pile. For as long as I can remember, we’ve composted all of our food scraps. In fact, when I was a kid, I didn’t know what a garbage disposal was. I distinctly remember visiting a friend’s house and asking where they kept the compost bucket. The way I understood it, throwing food into the kitchen sink was a BAD thing....