Medicine Wheel Gardens

Last Saturday Raemelle and I had the opportunity to attend a workshop about Medicine Wheel Gardens at the Alma de Mujer Center for Social Change. I want to convert a section of my front yard to an herb garden and the able crew at Alma de Mujer gave us some inspiration. Ana Lara, Alma’s Program Director, led the workshop. Before we went out to the garden itself the participants spent some time sharing information about the different kinds of illness that...

More on Leaf Mulch

I’m really beginning to see positive results of covering the beds with leaves in the fall. I’ve been pretty diligent about doing this for the last five years. This picture shows a bed I just cleaned off. It is almost totally weed free, and the few weeds that have sprouted are easily removed. I even got some leaves into several of the north beds, which is way more of a wild area than the south beds. You can see the results of leaf cover on the bed on...

Room to Move

I spent some time today potting off peppers and other starts. The first picture shows the results of moving the starts from their seed starting cups to individual larger cups. I still have to pot off most of the tomatoes which are getting pretty crowded. Once they get potted off, they will explode in growth and I’ll start hardening them off immediately so I can get them in the ground by the end of May. It was a beautiful day to be working outside and it...

Of Garlic, Raspberries and Rhubarb, Compost, Asparagus, and Boots

I’ve really only been in my garden for two days this spring. The first time out I weeded strawberries and that was it. Today, I did a little here and there trying to catch up after two weeks on the road. Since I’m on the road again tomorrow until next Tuesday, I took the afternoon off to garden. I’m constantly trying to prove to myself that one can maintain a large vegetable garden in spite of a hectic travel schedule. It’s possible, but...

It’s Shiitake Time!

I harvested our first shiitakes of the year yesterday. We’ve had a lot of rain this month, and the weather finally warmed up. Perfect conditions for the shiitakes to start fruiting. These shiitakes are from logs that Noel plugged two years ago. He and his friend Michael recently plugged a new set of logs with mushroom spawn, but it will probably be a few months before the new ones start to fruit. I still haven’t eaten the mushrooms that I harvested...

GBBD April 2009

Today was a good Bloom Day. The weather was beautiful, and we actually had a few different blooms. Spring might just finally be here to stay. Noel and Judy are leaving tomorrow for the Cincinnati Flower Show , so we all spent a lot of time outside today while loading the van and getting other tasks done. These Scillas are planted around the base of the hickory tree by our back door. They keep creeping farther into the lawn each year, but nobody minds. That part of...

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