Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day May 2011

Well it’s Bloom Day again, and I’m ashamed to admit that it’s been a rather long time since I last put up a Bloom Day post. Even longer still since I’ve posted about my own garden. It’s not that I have a shortage of flowers during the “warm” months (I put warm in quotes because it’s currently in the 50s and rainy here), I just usually tend to forget to take pictures of them. But not today! For your viewing enjoyment...

Another Battle in the Everlasting War on Weeds

My garden is an experiment to prove to myself that it’s possible to maintain a large organic vegetable growing area using all hand labor and with a minimum of outside inputs.  Weed control is the toughest part, and not having or taking enough time to do a good job of preventative weeding often leaves me with some labor intensive weeding chores. This partly weeded bed was planted with strawberries in 2007.  I normally clean out the berry beds and move any...

Planting Boards for Raised Beds

I planted a bed of potatoes Sunday, using two new planting boards that I made from a 4′ x 4′ sheet of 1/2″ plywood.  I had been using some old scrap plywood for planting boards, but I decided I would be happier and more efficient with two boards exactly the size I wanted. I cut a 12″ strip off the 4′ x 4′ sheet so I have a 3′ x 4′ board for using when I’m on top of a bed and I have a 1′ x 4′ sheet...

494 Peas – More or Less

Here’s me, yesterday, atop a bed, planting peas.  We had a nice little break in the rainy weather, so I took the opportunity to get my peas seeded.  I’m using a large piece of plywood to kneel on.  The plywood disperses my weight and allows me to get right on top of the bed.  It makes the work much easier that trying to reach in from the sides to set the peas in place. The bed has just over 36″ of flat planting width across the top.  I’m...

Pomegranate Border

Over the last few years I’ve been developing a pomegranate border along the north side of my vegetable garden.  So far I have planted four pomegranate trees spaced tightly at 4-5 feet apart and plan on extending the border with another two to three trees.  The initial plant that I put in three years ago is now about ten feet tall, with the second one already up to six feet. Unless pruned to take on a tree form, pomegranates grow more like a large shrub, putting...

Enough With The April Showers

Here’s a picture of my garden beds that I took this afternoon.  Had I taken it early in the morning there would have been a light layer of snow over the whole area.  April has been most cruel, so far.  Cold and rain are the norm and it is not expected to be any nicer in the week ahead, in fact it will probably be worse. In most years I could be planting already.  April 15th is the recommended date in this area for seeding peas, a lot of root crops, salad...

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