by Noel | Feb 18, 2015 | CobraHead, Gardening
Our daughter Anneliese has a good friend, Jason Weiss, who is a professional cinematographer. Jason and I spent a few days in the garden last summer shooting CobraHead tools in action. Jason then edited the videos and produced eight different titles and a loop for us to use at trade shows. We’re quite happy with the finished product. We’ve got them loaded up on YouTube and our website. If you’d like to spend a few minutes looking at them, it may make you forget...
by Noel | Feb 17, 2015 | CobraHead, Gardening
Here are three flats of onions I planted on February 8th, 9 days ago. Most of the nearly 1,600 seeds are sprouting nicely in flats in the basement. The flats are on a heat mat and lit with various LED grow lights we have accumulated over the last few years. The onions are growing in a commercial potting soil. I used to make my own potting soils, but I’ve found the commercial mixes to be much more reliable in giving me good strong root growth, and they are...
by Geoff | Dec 31, 2014 | CobraHead, Gardening
Last week I was in Mexico City visiting family and saw an abundance of new living walls. Here are some photos of two of them.
by Noel | Dec 7, 2014 | CobraHead, Gardening
The garden is put to bed. I was diligent about dragging in leaves to cover most of the beds with a thick protective layer. Last year snows and cold weather came before I was ready and the leaf covering ritual was interrupted. That caused me much more work this season than I wanted to do, but I did learn a lot about weeding. Without the leaf cover, weeds emerged sooner and the ground in the beds was not as soft. The extra weeding re-affirmed my belief that we...
by Noel | Nov 3, 2014 | CobraHead, Gardening
I try to plant garlic in late October. This year we were a day late and the garlic went into the ground on the first of November. I had previously prepared the bed so all I had to do was soften the soil a little and with a steel rake make three relatively equal ridges running the length of the beds. The garlic was shoved into the top of the ridges until it was just covered. I also scattered a lot of lettuce seeds, salads greens and cilantro along all the slopes...
by Judy | Oct 20, 2014 | CobraHead, Gardening, Recipes
I made this pea shoot salad last night which included all garden pickings – pea shoots plus baby carrots, baby beets, cilantro, red onion and several varieties of cherry tomatoes. The first time I knowingly ate pea shoots was this past summer. We were on a road trip to the GWA (Garden Writers Association) conference and stopped for lunch in South Bend, IN. We found a great little Chinese restaurant (J.W. Chens) just off the freeway right next to Notre Dame...