by Anneliese | Apr 24, 2019 | CobraHead
When we first designed the CobraHead Long Handle, we wanted to make it as comfortable as possible for people to do their weeding while standing up. For that reason, we offer three different handle sizes. The handle lengths are 48″, 54″, and 60″, but actual tool length with the blade attached is 8 inches longer. Remember to keep that in mind if you’re measuring an existing hoe to use as a comparison. Most gardeners will prefer the 54″...
by Anneliese | Jan 27, 2019 | CobraHead, Events, Gardening
CobraHead is pleased to partner with Shawna Coronado during her Garden Lady Wellness Tour! Shawna is moving across the country from Illinois to Arizona, and she’s decided to turn her road trip into a speaking tour with 30 stops along the way. Beginning on January 28 in Lisle, IL and ending March 2 in Superior, AZ, Shawna will travel south and then west, stopping at botanical gardens, arboretums, and garden centers. At each stop, she will give away prize...
by Judy | Jan 15, 2019 | CobraHead, Recipes
This last growing season was a good year for butternut squash. At least for us here in southern Wisconsin. Below is one of many tasty ways to use this winter squash. Ingredients: 1 T. olive oil 2 C. chopped onions 1 medium to large butternut squash (5 cups – peeled, seeded and cubed) 1 cup chopped tomatoes (canned, fresh or frozen (I used frozen) 1 – 4 1/2 oz can green chiles (if you have time roast, peel, seed & chop fresh poblanos or Anaheim...
by Noel | Nov 24, 2018 | CobraHead, Garden Tools, Gardening, Vegetable Growing
I planted garlic yesterday, November 23rd (Black Friday). Coincidently, I did this last year, when the Black Friday temperature was 66 degrees and quite pleasant with the soil warm and soft. This year was a different story. The ground froze early, and like last year, I was left waiting for a warm spell. That warming almost always happens in either late November or early December but this year it didn’t happen yet and the forecasts looked bleak. I was faced...
by Judy | Nov 19, 2018 | CobraHead, Recipes
This past Saturday I cooked up our first butternut squash (of about a baker’s dozen harvested this year). This interesting recipe in an issue of Food and Wine Magazine caught my eye and I happened to have all the ingredients on hand. I should clarify that…I had butternut squash but not the kabocha as the recipe also called for. Anyway, I made it with all butternut squash instead of the mix and used the Jarlsberg Swiss cheese that I had on hand. One...
by Noel | Nov 9, 2018 | CobraHead, Gardening
I finished my compost pile yesterday. It snowed last night. The pile is already warmer than its surroundings and it’s only two days old. The internal temperature of the pile when I took this picture was 60oF, outside it was 29. I learned to build these structured piles from my son Geoff who years ago was a horticultural apprentice on a biodynamic farm. Geoff taught me a lot of practices used by excellent growers who approached gardening using sustainable...