by Noel | Jun 11, 2008 | Gardening
It’s been gardening on the run for me, this year. Too many garden shows on weekends. I’m late on getting almost everything into the ground. I’m not giving up, however. While you can’t say it’s never too late when it comes to gardening, you certainly can push things well beyond normal guidelines and often get away with it. When I was growing up in Warren, Michigan, an elderly widow named Rose Martin, who lived in Detroit, gardened a...
by Noel | Apr 29, 2008 | Gardening
I’ve been able to maintain my strawberries continuously for the 21 years we’ve had a garden here. My first berries were starts we got from a local lady who no longer lives in the area, Jan Lewein. They are a June bearing variety, but we have no idea of the name. The second batch was from my son Geoff, who got them from his job at Nokomis Gardens in East Troy, Wisconsin. These are Honeyeye, also a June bearer. Both varieties are excellent and...
by Noel | Apr 28, 2008 | CobraHead, Gardening
I usually clean out my asparagus bed in February. I don’t trim back the mature fronds in the fall as a lot of gardeners do, because I read that leaving them to grow until spring gives more energy to the roots, This year, because we didn’t get our typical February warm spell, the job did not get done. We had heavy snow cover until just a few weeks ago, and because of a hectic weekend show schedule, yesterday was my first real day in the garden. It was a...
by Noel | Mar 27, 2008 | Gardening
Sweet potatoes are considered one of the best foods available. They probably contain a better all-around mix of useful nutrition than any other food that one can grow in the garden. Sweet potatoes are associated with Latin America and the southern US, but they are quite easy to grow in Wisconsin and actually have been an important commercial crop here for many years. For northern gardeners, the best results seem to be achieved by growing the potatoes under a mulch...
by Noel | Nov 29, 2007 | CobraHead, Gardening
Our blog was launched to help us sell our CobraHead garden tool products. The Internet may prove to be the ideal tool for small businesses to let the world know they are out there without having to spend millions of dollars in advertising like the big corporations do. We are a really tiny entity, but with a website, a blog, an e-newsletter, and e-mail, we hope to reach lots of people. We recently sent out our first e-newsletter, which only went to our list of...