by Noel | Feb 11, 2009 | Gardening
I got most of my onions seeded into a flat tonight. Three types – Copra, a hybrid yellow storage onion that I’ve grown for years. It is extremely reliable and an excellent keeper. Redwing, a red storage hybrid. This is a new one for me. I had been growing a red onion called Mars, but Fedco Seeds dropped it, I think because the seed all comes from Seminis, a Monsanto owned company. Monsanto is on Fedco’s do not buy list, which is fine by me. Monsanto is...
by Noel | Jan 11, 2009 | Gardening
It was about 20º F when I took this picture of the garden yesterday afternoon. The snow has covered up the precise delineation of the beds. I’m looking north. The raspberries are to the left. I won’t cut those back until late February. In the back center are the dried asparagus fronds in the north beds. Those aren’t cut back until a March thaw takes away the snow. We’ve had about three feet of snow so far, but thaws have taken the snow...
by Noel | Oct 19, 2008 | CobraHead, Gardening
Except for the value of the labor you put into making it, compost can cost nothing. I detailed my composting method last December here. Today I cleaned up the compost I had made last fall. I have a nice large pile shown in the picture. I’ll definitely have enough to put more than a couple buckets into each of my beds. I had neglected the pile after I made it last fall, but getting it into shape was quite easy. I had to pull out quack grass, burdock and...
by Noel | Oct 5, 2008 | Gardening
A view of the north beds shows an area untouched by human hands from last year until yesterday. The asparagus on the far left was tended and harvested in the spring, but the three beds to the right were probably not walked through until Anneliese started cleaning out a bed full of tansy and goldenrod. Next to the asparagus, the bed with the t-posts was last year a bed of tomatoes, carrots and greens, Anneliese’s first attempt at growing her own vegetables....
by Noel | Sep 28, 2008 | Gardening, Recipes
This year’s garden has been far from great. I’ve been on the road so many weekends that weeding maintenance has suffered. I didn’t even get a lot of beds planted. The fallow beds were not mulched, so weeds are rampant. I’m playing catch up, but things are starting to look up. Geoff and Anneliese are doing most of the shows we have scheduled for the rest of this year, so I should be able to get the garden cleaned up and covered with leaves...