by Noel | Jul 15, 2009 | Environmental Issues, Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day, Gardening
Long ago I used to have a bad attitude about ornamentals. I looked at flower gardening as an indulgence, without the necessity attached to growing plants to eat. That has changed and I now not only admire beautiful gardens, but I have great respect for the gardeners who create them. Nevertheless, I’m a hungry man, so it’s mainly the vegetable garden for me. If I had more time, I would dabble in the artsy, but now I barely have time to secure the...
by Noel | Jul 11, 2009 | Gardening
When I returned from Chicago yesterday afternoon, Judy let me know that a morning thunderstorm had taken the fabric off the hoop tunnel and had knocked down the corn. Fixing the tunnel was easy. The corn took a little more work. Corn does very well in my raised beds, but it is easily blown over by strong winds. The soil is soft and the corn is sitting up high and exposed to gusts. I’ve read corn will right itself after being blown over, but I don’t...
by Noel | Jun 28, 2009 | Gardening
I put up this tunnel to protect my cole crops from insects. It was very quick and easy. My son Geoff gave me the idea. I’m not sure who showed it to him. Material List: 12 pieces – 3/8″ reinforcing rod cut into 18″ lengths by my local lumber cut the material to length for me. 6 pieces – 3/8″ ID PVC tubing. Cut from 2 – 10′ lengths bought at my local Ace Hardware. I used pruning loppers to cut it to length. 2 –...
by Noel | Jun 22, 2009 | CobraHead, Environmental Issues, Events
This weekend Judy and I were CobraHead Exhibitors at the Midwest Renewable Energy Association’s 20th annual energy fair in Custer, Wisconsin. It is the largest show of this type in the U.S. This was our third year at the show. We sell lots of garden tools. In fact it is a way better show for sales than almost any garden or flower show we do. The reason is the audience. MREA attracts people with interest in sustainable energy. They have a very high awareness...
by Noel | Jun 12, 2009 | Gardening
Two day ago I caught momma groundhog. I posted about it and got a comment from Beckie who noted, “I am sure she will do fine in the wild, but be on the look out for the pups – they may be big enough to make it on their own.” We’ll, sure enough. I caught this guy this morning and put him out where his mother was let go. They seem to love broccoli, so I’ll keep trapping with the tasty stuff until I think I’ve got them all...