Enough With The April Showers

Here’s a picture of my garden beds that I took this afternoon.  Had I taken it early in the morning there would have been a light layer of snow over the whole area.  April has been most cruel, so far.  Cold and rain are the norm and it is not expected to be any nicer in the week ahead, in fact it will probably be worse. In most years I could be planting already.  April 15th is the recommended date in this area for seeding peas, a lot of root crops, salad...

Brand New Bed

It’s been a slow start getting the beds ready for spring planting because of the frequent rain.  It’s not raining right now, but everything is wet and muddy. I did manage to get a brand new bed shaped up for planting last weekend.  Its only 12 feet long versus the 21 feet of most of my beds.  I made it in my compost area and I have another bed the same size about half shaped up right next to this one which I’ll finish off as soon as the ground is...

Cold Frame

I built this cold frame in January with a lot of help from my friend David Peterson who built a duplicate model for himself at the same time.  David is retired, lucky guy, and he has put together a really well equipped workshop with lots of woodworking equipment to keep occupied. We were discussing cold frames over dinner quite a while back and I let David know that I had a whole lot of 1/4″ clear glass sheets about 2 feet by 6 feet that I thought might be...

Outsourcing Locally

As our little business grows we’ve had to develop selling aids so the stores who sell our products can display them prominently.   Hopefully the displays get noticed and entice people to buy.  They are referred to as POP’s – Point of Purchase Displays.  For the past several years I’ve been making them for both our short and long handled tools in  my garage.  The displays are okay looking and easy for me to produce cheaply in small...

2010 Garden Reflections

Gardeners are risk takers.  They have to be.  Nothing is guaranteed with seeds and plants.  Even with the best care failures occur.  I tried several new things last year and had some successes and some failures, but as usually happens, what works outweighs what doesn’t. Running two businesses keeps me short on time.  My garden is most always a weedy mess.  It’s gardening on the run.  I’m gone many weekends doing trade shows and while I do get...

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