by Noel | Oct 28, 2015 | CobraHead, Gardening
As the garden season winds down, we’re happy to report that we’ve had another great sweet potato harvest. I like to remind people that it’s easy to grow sweet potatoes even up north, here in Wisconsin. Here are the potato vines, about two weeks ago. We already had a light frost and the leaves were pretty moth eaten from Japanese beetles. I decided not to wait longer to get them out of the ground. I stacked all the vines up in the center of the...
by Noel | Sep 28, 2015 | CobraHead, Gardening
We harvested about 40 small winter squash yesterday. They were trellised using T-posts and concrete reinforcing grid. The trellis is discussed here. The advantage of trellising is space saving. These squash only took up about 60 square feet of garden space, grown in one 10 foot raised bed. The big Australian Butter Squash in the back of the picture did fine, but it was really too big for the trellis. It should have been trailing along the ground with the...
by Noel | Aug 27, 2015 | CobraHead, Gardening
Here are three beautiful eggplants. We’ve already enjoyed some of my favorite eggplant Parmesan and our eggplant harvest is going to be very good. Our eggplants are looking pretty good and giving us some beautiful fruit, but six weeks ago, I really thought the crop was lost. The plants were infested with flea beetles and the leaves riddled with holes. I was pretty sure they would die, but I put out some sticky traps to try to slow down the beetle activity and...
by Noel | Aug 14, 2015 | CobraHead, Gardening
Here are about 300 onions we harvested from one of our 5 feet wide by 20 feet long open raised beds. The red onions are Red Bull, which performed extremely well. The yellow onions are Copra, a reliable storage onion that we’ve grown for many years. Both are hybrids. Grown on 5 inch centers and spaced in a block across the bed, these onions would have required a single row 125 feet long, which is one reason we really like growing in a bed versus rows...
by Noel | Aug 13, 2015 | CobraHead, Gardening
I posted on June 28th just after I set up a trellis system using concrete reinforcing grids and T-posts. Here is the post. I’m happy to report that the trellis has so far exceeded my expectations. The plants have climbed well over the top of the 7 foot high trellis. They remain healthy and have set good looking fruit much of which is almost full size. Barring a catastrophic collapse due to disease or insects (always a possibility, but hopefully unlikely), we are...