by Judy | Jan 30, 2024 | #CobraHeadFolksEat Good, #JudyValdes, Baked Butternut Squash, Recipes, Winter Squash and Cranberries
We are working our way through our garden harvest. We still have potatoes, onions, sweet potatoes and winter squash, along with lots of various frozen veggies. Below is how I made use of one of our butternut squashes. Ingredients 5-6 cups chopped butternut squash (1 medium butternut squash, 2+ pounds) 8 oz fresh cranberries 1 chopped unpeeled apple ¾ cup freshly squeezed orange juice 2 tablespoons lemon juice 1 teaspoon cinnamon ½ teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons honey...
by Judy | Sep 28, 2023 | #CobraHeadFolksEat Good, #JudyValdes, CobraHead, Gardening, Recipes, Vegetable Growing
This has been a good year for peppers of all kinds. We did have long periods of no rain but due to Noel's diligent watering and the warm weather, the peppers exploded. Following is a recipe for stuffed peppers using my Mexican rice recipe and topped with cheese: Mexican Rice 2-3 T. olive oil 1 cup rice (I used red rice) 1/2 cup diced onion 1/2 cup diced green or red pepper 1/2 cup chopped or stewed tomatoes 2 cups veggie broth 1/2 tsp. salt 1/2 tsp. garlic...
by Judy | Aug 29, 2023 | CobraHead
One of my favorite ways to serve and EAT fresh tomatoes is in a pasta salad with lots of fresh basil and garlic. The tomatoes can be a mix of big juicy ones or a variety of cherry ones, all colors welcome. To make it more substantial you could add cooked dry beans, again any color. Recipe: 2 cups dried pasta, cooked – I used fusilli 4 cups ripe tomatoes, chopped or cherry tomatoes, halved 2 cloves garlic, minced 2 T. balsamic vinegar 2 T. olive oil 1/2 tsp....
by Judy | Jul 28, 2023 | #CobraHeadFolksEat Good, #JudyValdes, CobraHead, Recipes, Vegetable Growing
We are inundated with zucchini. Somehow last year we didn’t get any planted so Noel went overboard and planted five different kinds this year (including a climbing variety). We eat zukes and summer squash almost every day, and we’ve already sent some to the local food pantry. We won’t run out anytime soon. In my quest for delicious ways to use and preserve this magical vegetable, I came across the following Turkish-style zucchini fritter recipe....
by Judy | Jun 28, 2023 | CobraHead, Recipes, Vegetable Growing
I was looking through the Book Pages flyer at our local library and this book caught my eye: Ten Tomatoes That Changed the World, a History by William Alexander. We grow a lot of different tomatoes and I cook with them so this book sounded intriguing. I usually can’t make it to the end of a dry history book but this one kept me interested to the very last page. The author took us on a humorous tomato adventure from its origins in Mexico to Europe and back to...