I haven’t been thinking too much about my garden in February, and I definitely haven’t done anything outside. The 14 below lows and bitter cold days have kept me indoors. It did warm up this week, so I went to the garden to check things out.
The garden fork hits ice between 2 to 6 inches. Our lack of snow cover this winter means the frost is quite deep and will take a little longer to thaw out. I won’t be working the soil anytime soon.
Here’s my compost pile. This is a two year accumulation. I will rebuild it into a layered pile as soon as it’s thawed. If you look closely at the bed in front of the pile, you’ll see deer tracks. Our four legged friends paw the beds looking for whatever they might be able to eat. They are why I have to fence the main garden area.
The garlic is probably coming to life under the straw, but no sprouts are showing up yet. Garlic flags popping through the straw are a sign of spring. We are not there, yet.
Here are our raspberries. Trimming them back is something I can do anytime we have a nice day.
But gardening will begin soon, as I have to start onions and leeks and set up my indoor lighting for all the seeds I will be starting.
Can’t wait to get into my garden this spring