Here’s a picture of our main garden. There’s nothing going on. That’s okay with me, as winter provides a vacation from most gardening chores. I don’t maintain a greenhouse, so things are pretty easy in December and January. But February brings on the work for the new season.
Note the total lack of snow cover. We’ve had almost no snow this winter. In the old weather normal, we could often count on a good snow cover from December through March. And though it was 13 below zero a week ago, it was 53 degrees, yesterday. Temperatures are consistently well above historical normals.
No snow is not a good thing, just ask farmers. Anyway, the leaf cover we laid own last fall held up well, so our soil should be in pretty good shape for spring plantings.
The next task is to catalog seed and order new ones where needed. The first seeds we start are onions and leeks, which I start late February. We’ll lay out our bed plans and plant more seeds indoors. But we won’t start touching the soil until late in March or early April. We have a couple overgrown beds that need to be cleaned up, but otherwise most of garden, under the leaves, is ready to plant.
Those short articles are actually full information. I am not surprised to hear ‘no snow’ is not good for our gardens and plants. good use of all those extra winter beans in the freezer. Love my cobra tools, can’t go into any of my gardens without it.