The weather here, like everywhere, keeps getting weirder. I’ve been gardening the same plot for over 35 years and the last couple years have really departed from what used to be normal. This year is extremely wet and warm. It’s been hard to get the beds prepped because of the wetness.
I did take advantage of some nice dry days last week to get my peas planted. I try to get them in the ground in April. Later than that can get iffy for full production as peas don’t do as well in hot weather.
My pea planting method has been the same for years. I’m able to get a very large harvest out of a single 20 foot long bed by trellising across the bed using T-posts and landscape fencing. This setup allows me 10 rows of peas. The trellis set up is very strong for wind protection. When the peas do ripen, they are at a perfect level for very easy harvesting.
I plant four varieties of peas. I always plant 4 rows of Capucjiner or purple podded soup peas. We have saved this seed for over 30 years and it always produces excellent yields. I’ll plant two rows each of a snow pea, a shelling pea and an edible sweet pea. I buy big bags of these and there is enough seed for 3 or 4 years.
Growing peas forces me to fence off the garden, which I’ll have to do soon after they sprout. The deer like nothing better than tender pea plants.
4 Pea Varieties
Pounding T-Posts
Clamping Trellis Material