I started peppers and onions in late February and now it’s time to move them out from under the grow lights and into the sunroom. I need the grow lights for tomatoes, eggplant, cabbages, and other stuff.
Onion Starts
I’ll re-pot the peppers into individual cups. They’ll go into a hoop tunnel, soon and then be planted directly in a garden at the end of May.
The onions will also go into a hoop tunnel until they are transplanted into a garden bed in late April.
Our daughter gifted her dad with a hydroponic seed starter set for Christmas last year. He started herbs last year but decided to do tomatoes this year. We are so far ahead of other home gardeners we know. Our tomato plants are all in the ground in spite of a freeze a few weeks ago (we protected the plants with freeze cloth) and are covered with flowers while others we know are just purchasing their plants from local garden centers. We have harvested leaf lettuce as well as spinach for salad from this great gift. Highly recommend seed starter grow lights.