I planted garlic yesterday, November 23rd (Black Friday). Coincidently, I did this last year, when the Black Friday temperature was 66 degrees and quite pleasant with the soil warm and soft. This year was a different story. The ground froze early, and like last year, I was left waiting for a warm spell. That warming almost always happens in either late November or early December but this year it didn’t happen yet and the forecasts looked bleak. I was faced with the prospect of not getting my garlic in until March. Not a good choice, but you gotta do what you gotta do.
I got lucky as it went up to 47 degrees, yesterday. I had covered my designated garlic bed with clear plastic, hoping that it might keep the soil a little warmer in case an opportunity presented itself. The soil under the plastic was thoroughly thawed, although it was a damp and muddy mess. I was able to shape the bed with a rake and my antique five-tined cultivating hoe, and while it was not the most perfect ridged bed I’ve ever made, it was good enough.
Straw Covered Bed
I was able to get my three rows, 108 cloves, planted. I covered the bed with straw as I always do and I celebrated my good luck. The window of opportunity closed after one day. It’s raining today and the forecast is for really cold nights with snow and lows in the teens going forward. Garlic is close to a necessity in our lives and I’m happy I was able to get a crop planted again this year.
I planted 250 garlic the 15th of Nov. Delayed also by rain and cold. I only had the black material that is used to keep weeds out. The weather has gotten wet again but not as cold. Thank you for your article as I do have an old bale of straw and I will remove the cloth and cover with straw.
Last year I had just moved into a manufactured home with no real garden so I was forced to plant in rocky soil, rain and cold. Considering it did OK but I look forward to this new crop.