Happy Gardener in Uganda
I think Rose Berry bought her first CobraHead from us at the Madison Garden Expo many years ago. Rose likes our products and she has purchased many tools for gardeners over the years. She let me know that she really could use a lot of CobraHead tools for a project she was involved with in Uganda. I let her know that I had a lot of obsolete but totally functional tools that I would be happy to donate.
Blue CobraHeads in Uganda
Rose is involved in several projects that help Ugandans live better lives. She got our tools to Africa and sent me pictures of the local people getting their CobraHead tools. I got the pictures but no background story so I asked for some information and Rose sent me this:
“We work with an amazing nun in Uganda named Sr. Salome. I also work with Remembering Jesse Parker Inc. (You can see the documentary by going to News8000 and search Tears Into Water). Jesse’s Mom is a friend of mine here in Tomah. Jesse died in an auto accident and aspired to a life of drilling water for Africa. In his honor we have now (in 7 years) drilled 51 wells.
Other projects we have there are a Diva Cup Project which allows adolescent girls to attend school during menstruation, a sewing project, a microloan project, a school sponsorship ($20. per year for primary school for a year), Photos For Peace (where we set up a photo site and take pictures of families (the only one they own), and more.
The area is called Busalo and is about 70 miles west of Kampala near Mityanna. Laura (my daughter) and I have traveled there 3 times and love the people and their culture.
Thanks again for your donation! Your Cobrahead tool has made a difference in my life and it is making a bigger difference in the lives of people who depend on their gardens for life in Africa!”
Yellow CobraHeads in Uganda
The world certainly needs more Rose Berrys and I’m happy we’ve contributed in a small way to helping people in Uganda to grow their own food. I’m sure Rose and the projects she is involved with could use more help so feel free to reach out to her. You can reach her at jfberry at centurytel dot net or contact CobraHead and we’ll forward any messages.
Children in Uganda
Gardening in Uganda
I have used Cobraheads as a fund raiser for microloans for Uganda. I buy these tools wholesale as any other business would and sell them for the same price Amazon does and have made $1,400. for the loans over the past 18 months. Several Garden Clubs have asked me to speak at their club and now most of their relatives have one as well as the club members.
Thanks, Rose. You are a wonderful person.