Kohlrabi is one of our favorite crunchy summertime veggies. We like it best when peeled, sliced and sprinkled lightly with salt. It has a mild cabbage flavor with a turnip-like texture.
Kohlrabi (Brassica oleracea (gongylodes group)) is best picked when less than tennis ball size because it can tend to get woody or fibrous in the middle. We are trying a new larger variety this year, Kossak, a hybrid from Johnny’s Selected Seeds, that is not supposed to get fibrous and is also a storage kohlrabi. Optimal/maximum size for harvesting is 8”. We’ll let you know if it works for us, though I doubt that they will last long enough to get into storage!
- Kohlrabi Pancakes
Kohlrabies also make great pancakes similar to potato pancakes but more delicately flavored.
Try this recipe:
2 cups peeled and shredded kohlrabi
¼ cup flour
1 egg
¼ tsp. salt
Olive oil for frying
Sprinkle flour and salt over shredded kohlrabi and stir in so there are no lumps. Add 1 beaten egg and mix well.
Preheat cast iron frying pan until medium hot. Add 2 to 3 Tbl. oil to pan. Form pancakes in pan with 2 Tbl. kohlrabi mixture & flatten. Fry for 2 minutes on each side until browned. Makes about 8 or 9 pancakes. They are delicious with just salt & pepper but feel free to experiment with your favorite herbs.
Thank you for this wonderful newsletter! Your garden is so beautiful and well-maintained. It reminded me of my grandmother’s like no other garden I’ve ever seen.
We love kolrabi sliced and spread with peanut butter, or diced and cooked in pot pie and other casseroles. Can’t wait to try this recipe – thanks for sharing.
I haven’t yet tried peanut butter on my kohlrabi but I love a good peanut butter and dill pickle sandwich, so why not kohlrabi??
Peeled and sliced kohlrabi with salt is one of my favorites! My mom planted them and I loved them when I was a little boy … am 71 now and still love them. Never had peanut butter with them. Haven’t peanut and dill pickle sandwich. I do like peanut butter and sweet pickle sandwich. Never have them till I got married to my wife 52 years ago and she had never had kohlrabi, we had a trade off!
How did you like the “Kossack” kohlrabi? Would you recommend them?
The Kossack kohlrabi did not do well for us. We thought they were a little fibrous.