Climate Change Brussels Sprouts

The weather in Wisconsin has been super freaky.  With highs of 50 yesterday and again today following a December with no snow and exceptionally mild temperatures, a lot of the locals are saying, “what the hey, this ain’t all bad!”  I have to say yes and no.  It’s kind of scary, and from a gardener’s perspective, in most ways not so good. I love a deep snow cover on my garden beds.  The snow offers insulation and moisture.  And too...

Spirooli Is Where It’s At!

Turning Slicer Last September Noel & Anneliese were vendors at the Mother Earth News Fair in Seven Springs, PA.  The booth next to them was “Wild Success” promoting their raw foods and kitchen equipment.  When Noel called to ask me if I needed anything I said, “not really but if you see something really cool you can surprise me.” Well ‘my surprise’ was a Spirooli or an Italian designed ‘turning slicer’ or ‘taglialegumi’ if you will.  I think it was Anneliese...

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