Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day June 2011

Welcome once again to Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day, where garden bloggers around the world share the flowers they’re enjoying in their own gardens. You’ll have to forgive my pictures for this month. By the time I was able to take photos, the sky was dark and overcast, so I hurried through the garden a bit quickly. You’ll also have to forgive the complete lack of identification of all blooms. I can name some of the flowers and not others, and...

Using the CobraHead Long Handle as a Scuffle Hoe

Noel and I decided to seize upon the nice weather we had today and shoot a few short videos in the garden. Here, he’s demonstrating how the CobraHead Long Handle® can be used as a scuffling hoe. Please enjoy! We plan to post more videos as the summer progresses. Please let us know if there’s something you like to see from us!

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