Trellised Squash Harvest

We harvested about 40 small winter squash yesterday. They were trellised using T-posts and concrete reinforcing grid. The trellis is discussed here. The advantage of trellising is space saving. These squash only took up about 60 square feet of garden space, grown in one 10 foot raised bed. The big Australian Butter Squash in the back of the picture did fine, but it was really too big for the trellis. It should have been trailing along the ground with the...

T-Post Squash Trellis Follow Up

I posted on June 28th just after I set up a trellis system using concrete reinforcing grids and T-posts. Here is the post. I’m happy to report that the trellis has so far exceeded my expectations. The plants have climbed well over the top of the 7 foot high trellis. They remain healthy and have set good looking fruit much of which is almost full size. Barring a catastrophic collapse due to disease or insects (always a possibility, but hopefully unlikely), we are...

Melon and Squash Trellises Using T-Post and Metal Concrete Reinforcing Grid

I planted smaller squash and melons without a firm idea on how I was going to trellis them.   Going online, I found several references to using metal concrete reinforcing grids as trellis material.  I knew immediately this was a good solution that would easily integrate with my T-posts, which I use for most of my trellis frames. I found the grids at Home Depot where they are referred to as Remesh Sheets.  They are less than $8.00 each for a 42 inch by 84 inch grid...

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