

My gardening interest is in growing food. While I like flowers and ornamental plants, they are not my hobby.  I’m definitely not passionate about growing them, learning their Latin names, or keeping up with the latest introductions.  I’ve often said “if you can’t eat it, why grow it”, but I’m really not that cold about the beauty or necessity of flowers.  We have a lot of colorful plants in the yard, but they are easy-care perennials and the work...

CobraHead Garden Review 2014

The garden is put to bed. I was diligent about dragging in leaves to cover most of the beds with a thick protective layer. Last year snows and cold weather came before I was ready and the leaf covering ritual was interrupted. That caused me much more work this season than I wanted to do, but I did learn a lot about weeding. Without the leaf cover, weeds emerged sooner and the ground in the beds was not as soft. The extra weeding re-affirmed my belief that we...

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