Balsamic Sautéed Beets, Greens and Onions

We have a nice patch of fall beets. The thinnings are great for sautéing  and if there’s a baby beet attached, so much the better. Way back when, my mother used to serve cooked spinach with a splash of cider vinegar. I just changed it up to balsamic vinegar which has a natural sweetness to better complement the beet greens. Here’s the recipe: 1-2 T. olive oil or butter 1 cup sliced onions 1/2 pound of beet greens and baby beets 1-2 T. balsamic vinegar...

Beet Green and Fruit Smoothie

I planted beets the last week of August for a late fall harvest.  I had used old seed so I planted them thickly, but they still germinated heavily.  So we’re now thinning them and using the baby beets in salads, as a vegetable side, and in drinks.  The greens are looking great.  Here’s a plate of them.  We use roots and all, just wash the whole plant. Judy took half the beet greens, and added half a frozen banana and some raspberries we picked last...

Fall Planting with Old Seeds and an Old Book

Last year I had a harvest of carrots and beets that continued into December.  I used a low hoop tunnel to protect the crop from frosts and freezes and the results were great.  (You can read about it here).   I hope to do the same this year, but I took some big chances because almost all the seed I used was really old. As most gardeners know, seeds do have a shelf life.  In spite of the stories of seeds germinating after being unearthed in an ancient Egyptian tomb...

Double Covered Hoop Tunnel

Carrots in Hoop TunnelI planted a bed of carrots and beets on August 12th.  Here are the carrots, eleven weeks later.  They’re doing great and we’re harvesting some fairly large ones, already.  The beets are doing just fine, too.   I’m hoping to keep the harvest going well past when the hard freezes set in by using a low hoop tunnel with two protective layers. The outside frame of the tunnel is covered with clear poly sheeting.  Directly over the...

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