Starting Onions Indoors

Here are three flats of onions I planted on February 8th, 9 days ago. Most of the nearly 1,600 seeds are sprouting nicely in flats in the basement. The flats are on a heat mat and lit with various LED grow lights we have accumulated over the last few years. The onions are growing in a commercial potting soil. I used to make my own potting soils, but I’ve found the commercial mixes to be much more reliable in giving me good strong root growth, and they are...

Leek Harvest

It was 19 degrees today with a low of 2 predicted for tonight.  I knew it was time to harvest the leeks before they froze into the ground.  We’ve had a lot of below freezing temperatures, but I had the leeks well covered with a layer of agricultural fabric topped over with a layer of polyethylene.  I was hoping they were doing alright. To my pleasant surprise, the earth under the cover was soft and moist even though the ground surrounding the leek bed was...

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