Veggie skillet

Recipes are normally Judy’s and Geoff’s department and what you see here is totally Judy’s creation, I’m just putting it down on the blog because I found it way more than worthy.

Judy had to grab the phone to take an order and that’s a good thing.  On her way past me as she went to her desk she whispered, “stir the veggies.”  When I went to the stove, the skillet looked so colorful I knew I had to take a picture.

What we have here are several kind of green beans, some are purple, but they’re still green beans, leeks, garlic, and sweet peppers.  All from our garden and that’s cool.  They are being sautéed in olive oil and flavored with tamari sauce and toasted sesame oil.

Veggies over volcano rice

The finished stir fry was served over Volcano Rice with crumbled blue cheese.  The rice was seasoned with mushroom broth and cooked with a hot pepper, garlic, and a couple shiitake mushrooms for added flavor.  We buy several exotic rices from Lotus Foods at our local co-op.  Lotus is owned by some really nice folks we first met at a trade show in Chicago. They mail order if  their products are not available where you live.

How did it taste?  Well, as the great Louis Jordan said,  “Mmm, mmm, mmm.  I’m such a hungry man.”   Judy’s not from Tucumcari, but she’s the one I did marry, and man, she sure can cook.

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